Planned Parenthood funding -- with a twist

Apr 19, 2012 19:51

The Republican party is doing nauseatingly frightening things to women's rights in the US right now, including restricting access to abortion and to the places where people can get contraception and safer sex advice.

Specifically, there's this fuckery being legally forced on women (and their doctors) in Texas.

synecdochic has spoken to the West Texas Planned Parenthood and is fundraising to buy iPod Nanos for clinics in West Texas so women don't have to listen to this crap. Details here.

She's going to make that donation target pretty damn fast, I think. I want her to be able to fund iPods for the whole state, for every state that is doing this. Because getting these laws back off the books will take months and years, and women need abortions tomorrow, today, and right now, regardless of the slut-shaming the Republicans are heaping on us.

A comment
synecdochic wrote on the above post: "Seeing these shenanigans going on really pisses me off, and this is at least something concrete that I can do. Even if it's not directly helpful, even if it can't make things 100% better for women who have to listen to the bullshit, medically-inaccurate, politically-motivated lecture, someday a woman will be handed something that was bought with the love and good wishes of dozens of people from everywhere and it will help her get through a shitty time with a little more of her dignity intact than it otherwise would have been."

women's rights, rage, raindrop, abortion, feminism

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