Just a little bit of history repeating...

Mar 22, 2007 19:25

I was at work today, and I started thinking about repetition, or maybe memorising would be a better word. I'm not talking about routine: get up, have a shower... etc. I'm talking about those things that you do or read or say day-in day-out until you can reproduce in a totally different context without a thought.

Mine, for example, is the following phrase:

"You put money on it on the machine over there [points]. The first time you use it on the machines over there [points] it'll ask you for a four-digit PIN number, [half-breath] so just put in something you'll remember [smile]."

I said that at least nine times today, and at least a hundred times over the last month, probably closer to 150.

What's yours? Do you pass the same billboard on the way to work? Watch the same software start-up sequence each morning? Hear the same train message? Share the pain -- it breaks up the monotony!

A random thing that I saw for the first time this afternoon, but will be seeing most days until the end of semester when/if the toilets get repainted:

"Won't somebody give Bush a blowjob so we can impeach him already?!"

slice of life

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