Mar 18, 2006 18:11
I had a very interesting reading/visit with a spiritual guide today and want to get it all down while its still fresh in my head. Now let me just say to start with, I will be the first to admit that most readers/spiritual guides/clairvoyance/tarot readers and the like are more in it far more for the money than in it for the person. All in all, what im saying is that most, yes, are fakes. Most ppl can tell when theyre charged 700.00 for a 5.00 read ~chuckles~ Anyway, she wasnt at all like this. Normally I can and do spot out a fake in a heartbeat. And it doenst happen before the money exchange either lol.. Even people in general, (yes, ok, I *have* been fooled a time or two) But as a rule, I can normally spot them out easily if theyre phony or not. ANYWAY... I just wanted to clear all that up before I get into it all, so that Im not bombarded with, "Hey Mei, you do realize... yadda yadda yadda" Yer.. Yes I do. But no, this woman wasnt like that.
Right off, I knew who she was the moment I put my eyes on her. lol Sounds like some romantic story line.. But it is true. I did know. A business full of people, and the one I would of pointed to if asked, was in fact, her. Nothing out of the ordinary with her, no wild hair style, no adornment to make you go, "Oh yeah, thats GOT to be her." Just your very average looking, older woman. Luck, or chance? Who knows, who cares. Call it what you will, I knew that it was her. We were introduced, she smiled and walked me towards the back of the business.. And I could tell right away that this wasnt any 'normal' reader. She didnt ask any of the usual questions about me.. Didnt want to know why I was there.. Didnt do the usual, "Ok, 5 bucks for your right hand, 12 for both", there wasnt any "prompting" whatsoever on her end. She sat across from me, and before anything was even started, she said, "let me explain to you how I do things." Well, I sorta figured she wasnt gonna get up and dance like some wild gypsy, but I let her go on. She said that she was a channel, and that whatever came to her is whatever came to her. That if things were meant to be known, they would come forth, and if they weren't meant to be known, then they would be kept hidden from her. Then she stopped and smiled and said, "But I probably dont need to tell you any of this do I?" So thats when I smiled and nodded and said,
"yeah, I know what a channeler (sp) does." She said, "No, what I mean, is that one seer can spot out another seer... You're a seer dear." Well I blinked a little, smiled, and nodded.
Anyone that knows me will tell you that Mei has this strange way about her. That she sometimes will just "know" things, and that very once in awhile she'll get premonitions that come true, has known about things that others don't on a regular basis and that can sometimes scare the bejesus out of you by some inward way of knowing a person just by touch alone.
We clicked. This woman and I. Was almost like.. Refreshing.. that I could just relax and be myself around her without any judgment that you might normally get by some stranger. And before long we were finishing each others sentences or thoughts, laughing and just enjoying our time together. She never once prompted me for an answer. Never once let me explain myself or let me try to explain a thought (anyone who's ever been to a fake, knows what Im talking about) She kept saying.. "Dont tell me, let me tell you." Was awesome!! And tell me she did. She went on about things that no one but myself ever knew about. Im not going to get into the more intimate or finer details of our conversation, but I will say that it was very very good to feel so "understood" for a change.
Something she did say that I will share with you and made me laugh a little was her comment on my "Dominant side". She said that even tho Im not a control freak, that I do enjoy my power. I kind of chuckled at this and shook my head no and she pops off with, "Come on now Mei, we both know that you will NOT bow down to ANY man. In fact, its hard for you to bow down to *anyone* let alone a MAN." Well that made me laugh.. Still makes me laugh. Because she was right. Haha
Anyhow, she went on to comment on how many past lives I've lived. Apparently there's been many. lol Do I believe in reincarnation? Yes. To put it bluntly and blatantly, I do. She said in one past life I had lived in Egypt. That I was one that was very much in control and in with very powerful people. And that there and in my other lives, I've always been one in a dominate position. I thought that was hysterical. She went on to say that I also lived as a gypsy, a catholic, and a few others that I dont remember just now. There was a lot. She called me an old soul. Funny because I've been called an "old soul" by a few different ppl. My mother as one.
Which brings me to this next part. She said that I had a lot of out *there* influences that surrounded me and helped to guide me. Cool beans!! Myself, I know that everyone has outside influences to keep them, but I wanted to know from her, who. She said my grandfather (which I already knew) and my Mother (which I already assumed) and that I had a child that stayed close to me also (which I didn't know). The child she said, was one that should of been born that wasnt. Ouch!! >.< I knew what she was talking about then. When I was about 22 I had a very bad miscarriage. Screwed with my head and my heart for a lot of years. Anyway, we both came to the same conclusion, that this must be the girl. She said also, that my Mother wanted me to know that she was always around me, that she was always with me. I knew this too. lol.. But it was still nice to hear. She also went on to say that my mother's totem was the hawk (right on the money there) and that I was evolving spiritually, that mine was once a panther, but has turned and formed and continues to form now into the eagle. Sweeeeeeet!! And also said that I shouldnt feel the need to hide my "gifts". That where in one lifetime or another, I might of been burnt at the stake for "seeing/knowing things" that in this lifetime (especially where I am in my life right now) that I shouldnt feel like I should have to hide myself or my gifts away, but share them, that in time they'll only get stronger and stronger. And lastly, she also mentioned about my brother and the way that he passed and the WHY for's that things went on the way they did. I wont get into that one. I knew these things already and it nearly brought me to tears to talk about them again.
She said that I was a healer by nature also. That my tendencies to always want to "fix it, and fix it right now" was because of that, but that I also needed to learn to stop trying to always "fix it" and let things flow instead, that sometimes I cant "take care" of everyone and others just need to learn from their experiences lol, again right on the money with Meiser's. Ppl always come to me with their problems. I dont mind, never have. I'll give them to the best of my knowledge the help they might need. I might also wrap them up in a bundle and cuddle the shit out of them too. lol..
I dont know. This is getting pretty lengthy. I just thought all in all it was perty damn cool. She told me a lot about myself. Some I already knew, some I didn't. Gave me some pretty good advice here and there and pretty much let me make up my own mind on her thoughts without being pushy. Was a good experience.
Oh yeah.. Future wise.... She said that another child is on their way lol.. I thought this was funny too because I also cant have more kids. (no, I didnt tell her this, but thought it) But then she laughed a little and said how kids can come in other ways too and said that someone will be or has come into my life that has a boy that needs me very much. She said this child is in age around 8yrs old.. And lives with his father. She said that the moment I lay eyes on the man and his child that I would know exactly who she was talking about. She said the man lost his wife tragically. Or it was very tragic to him. That there was a LOT of tears shed over this break up or loss or whatever it might have been to him. Thought that was pretty interesting too. Guess only time will tell..
Anyway, ramble ramble.. lol.. That was my afternoon with the spiritual guide. Anyone up around my way needs a helping hand, and wants it.. let me know and I'll set you up with her. I'd recommend her highly
Oh yeah.. And what was I charged? ~Chuckles~ Sign on the wall said $40.00 for an hour. I was there for 2 and a half.. She charged me..... $0.00