If I were dead, I'd be turning over in my grave for, myself

Aug 05, 2005 01:44

yeah, I'm not proud of coming back, but had to do it. at least this time. I'm almost certain this is the end. like this entry is not a part of it, rather than an extention of what's dead. so i'm not really back. why not use the myspace blog, you ask? because I hate The Used. Bert should stop screaming, it's hazardous to one's throat. and he should stop shooting heroin, it's hazardous to one's bloodstream and immunity system. and Matas's dad looks like Wolf Blitzer vaguely. really, I had too many things I wanted to throw out there that I wouldn't feel comfortable doing any other way. so here it goes.

-Why is it that my hair grows to a certain length, stops growing, and then when I cut it, grow back to that length? Would it not be more logical for it to keep growing, rather than stay stationary?

-Why is it that when I clean under my fingernails, there's still a yellowish tinge?

-I wonder if girls would rather go out with a white man who was into Eastern belief rather than an Indian or Asian person who actually practiced that.

-People shouldn't say "I could care less" rather than "I couldn't care less" to show apathy. Gramatically it makes more sense. It works with other things too.

-Are anti-immigration advocates more afraid of Mexicans stealing American jobs or losing their wives to swave Latin lovers?

-Why isn't Bill O'Rielly an open part of the Neo-Nazi movement? It only makes sense for him to be part of it really.

-The upright acoustic bass may be one of the greatest instruments ever.

-What is so good about drugs and alcohol? Really I never understood it. The last time I sipped wine, I found myself having a uniquely strong bitter taste in my mouth. And the last time I breathed in smoke I started strongly hacking and coughed up what I could only assume was HCL.

-I wonder if the number of people who genuinely like me outweighs the number of people who pity me. Or the number of people who genuinely dislike me.

-I sometimes yearn for the days when you had to actually know how to play music to get signed.

-If I drank and did drugs, would people like me more? Even if they did I still wouldn't do it. I think.

-I was an advocate for women's and gay rights before most people, yet the people who seem to have the biggest problems with me are females and homosexuals. I wonder sometimes if it's just more worth it to become a conservative. Then I realized that I don't revel in being spiteful and mean. Or that it's wrong. Either one really.

-I hate public displays of affection. I'm sorry, I just do. Stop doing it people. You make the rest of us miserable and disgusted. Besides, lack of descretion usually correlates to a lack of intimacy, which is usually the mark of a strong relationship. So stop. Or I'll flash you. Then you'll know why PDA's are horrible.

-Why are people so scared of mixed race relationships? Seriously, it seems like every heartbreak my friends have experienced have been with people of their own races, so it seems to dampen their misery.

-I wonder if my joking about race is really a front for deep suppressed actual militancy. I apologize, I'm not really militant or racist and I don't want anybody to think so.

-People, stop saying hi to me when I'm running and thinking I'll see you when you honk the horn two feet away from me and scream my name out. I'm in a half-daze when I run, so I may just run into the road and die.

-Being a singer in a band really doesn't help you get girls. I've been trying for nearly four years for that to work, and so far it hasn't done shit.

-How has being skinny worked against me yet worked for other people?

-If I started a gang how successful would it be? Would we run Avon in a matter of days, or would the establishment crumble and my soldiers turn against me in a bloody battle for control of Avon's rich donut rackets?

-Do I come off as cocky ever? If I do I'm sorry.

-Why don't I have money of my own? Oh right I'm lazy and not 16.

-Any real musicians interested in starting a jazz combo? If so give me a shout and we'll try and work something out.

-Why do people seem to hate jazz? It always seems like emo this or classic hippie rock that. Jazz was the founation for pretty much everything, so we best show some damn respect.

-I wonder if giving a gigantic pimpslap to Dubya would raise the terror alert level.

So that's about it, maybe this'll come back. I actually like throwing randomness out here, so possibility is raised. With the edit option, this is actually an everchanging list, so keep watching.
But otherwise...bye.
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