Dec 31, 2004 00:30
Let's see....2004 was to say the least, a pretty tough year....So, I am happy to say that I'm glad it's over. It brought so much pain and drama, I really wasn't equipped to deal with it all. Some friendships i thought were solid, diminished. I'm really not quite sure if they were genuine in the first place. Too many funerals this year too. I can't or won't forget the people i lost this past year. Still pains me every night. I cry thinking about those who i am close to losing; who slip through the cracks; who, become erased.
So in 2005, I'm ready for a fresh start. No more drama pleeeze. Incredibly tired of it. All I want to do is be well---me. I want to be the me I was at my highest point in life. When I was always surrounded by people I loved and who loved me in return everyday. Not just fucked up posers who say they love you or they'll be there for you and aren't when life gets fucked up. No, no those people need not be in my life any longer.
Good Luck in 2005 everyone....i know i'll need it