Yesterday was the six month anniversary of my husband's death. Although I still can't believe he's gone, I am doing better. I'm still trying to go to my bereavement support group which meets every other week. Twice now I've made my group laugh, which I guess says something about me and the way I handle even the most dire of circumstances.
I would like to take this time to again thank everyone who sent condolences through comments, e-mails, cards, etc. Also, thank you to those who have continued to lend me support and check up on me through e-mails and such. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to properly express how much everyone's kindness has meant to me. Truly, I'm not sure how I would've managed without all of you. Thank you.
In other news, my son, daughter, daughter's boyfriend, and I went to Ashland, Oregon last week for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Fandom and the Internet has definitely affected me because while watching Romeo and Juliet, I kept thinking how Juliet really does need a sassy gay friend. ( Also, before we saw Henry V, I reminded my son (who was a big Buffy and Angel fan) about Giles quoting part of the St. Crispin's Day speech before they went off to fight Glory.
Had a little excitement yesterday when our cat, Simba, caught a small bird. I heard a noise from the cat walk and immediately figured out what it was as I'd chased off birds from the nearby shrubs earlier. The cat leaped into the house holding a bird in his mouth. I chased the cat around the house while yelling for my daughter. The cat eventually dropped the bird which hopped and flew about the living room. We threw a shawl over it once it landed on the floor again, then my daughter scooped it up and took it back outside where it flew off. I love the cat so much, but I could definitely do without this type of excitement.
And, in a last bit of news, we're going to be getting more cats. Well, kittens, actually - one for me and one for my daughter. We're both really looking forward to it.