Phrases Which Make Me Cringe (Literally)

Dec 15, 2009 11:47

There are a few phrases people use way too much and they actually make me cringe when I hear them. I understand there will always be cliches and I use them, too. But there are some that people need to stop using because they make NO SENSE. You can thank my college education for this. I knew a BA in English/creative writing would be useful eventually. ;)

1. "It is what it is."

Is that so? Kind of obvious, don't you think? It's a silly way of saying there isn't anything that can be done to change it, or that no one is going to do anything about it. It's a phrase that says absolutely nothing and is useless filler.

2. "At the end of the day.."

I think this is rather self-explanatory. Once again, it doesn't really mean anything. It's sometimes used before people say, "it is what it is." People who do this need to be slapped upside the head, a la Agent Gibbs on NCIS.

3. "Not gonna lie.."

No, I'd actually prefer you lie to me. It's similar when people say, "in my opinion". Just say what's on your mind already. If you're saying it, I already know it's your opinion. Like you're really going to lie about what you're thinking or what you have to say.

4. "To be honest,"

Wait. You've lied to me up until now? Everything you've said is a lie and you have to tell me when you're being honest with me? I know why people say it, but I hate it when they do. You're not sugar-coating it, I get it. But knock it off already, eh?

5. "Never say never."
It's a contradiction. And it bothers me. By never saying never, you're using the word never. I get the idea, that you shouldn't say you won't ever do something because things change. They do, and I know that.

The next few phrases aren't really cliches, but things people say that make me die inside a little when I hear them.

6. "Where are you at?"
In this case, it's the grammar that bothers me. 'At' isn't needed here, asking "where are you?" is sufficient. Enough said.

7. "So let me ask you this"
I've worked in call centers for the last three years and people ask me that almost every day when they're trying to get a different answer from me. I find it demanding and a little rude. Like I'm going to say, "no, you can't ask me another question. You've met your quota for now. Call back later." I'm a customer service rep, it's my job to answer your questions. This one is similar to, "can I ask you something?". You just did, pal. You just did.

8. "It's all good."
There's not much to this one. I just hate the way it sounds.

9. "I know, right?"
This phrase is way too common. And it says absolutely nothing. Just say you agree with the person and be done with it. "I know" is fine. Adding the "right?" knocks you down a few IQ points.

10. "All of a sudden.."
Being a writer, I notice cliches instantly. While some are unavoidable, this one is just too easy. Be creative with what you write as well as what you say. There are so many interesting words and phrases in the English language; try 'em out!

Peace, love and jellybeans,
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