This week was pretty great. Thursday was my birthday and I have a digital camera now!! Exciting. Outback and their medium rare steaks are still my favorite...who needs unclogged arteries anyway? Did anyone know how good Justin and Scott were on guitars?? Yea, neither did I until Wednesday. I need to record Justin playing so I can set it as my ringtone. I'm wondering if this coming Friday is still going on at the Manka residence, I hope so because Cassandra is hot and my fiance. hehe.
Well my Dad is now in the Philippines...I hope he gets everything that he needs. This should be interesting. I'm going to the Philippines over the summer!! Then hopefully, in July I can visit Paulette and celebrate her 18th with her. She needs to call or e-mail me though! : )
These past few weeks have been so great and I'm really happy. Its fun. hehe. Steak and Shake fries are a whole lot smaller than they look on the picture. I hate it when they do that...
An emo icon in the making... hehe, I love you Tyler!...just don't elbow me in the eye
mmmm....Hoang action. haha.
That guy from Mars Volta. Who was originally Adam Lazzara...but what can you do?
And then...there's Katy's moccasins.
Yay for thoughtful boyfriends!