Denpa teki na Kanojo is a Japanese light novel series by Kentarō Katayama, with illustrations by Yamato Yamamoto. In 2009, a two-episode OVA adaptation was exclusively bundled with the pre-order editions of Kure-nai DVD volumes 3 and 4. Kure-nai is another anime by the same author. Under the title Denpa Biyori (電波日和?, lit. Radio Wave Weather), the first story in the series won an honorable mention at the Super Dash Novel Rookie of the Year Awards in 2003. The Japanese term denpa originally referred to radio waves, but in slang usage it refers to people who perceive things ordinary people can't. Three novels were published between 2004 and 2005 with an additional short piece of writing being included with the OVA. As of 2015, the series has yet to be formally concluded.
Juu Juuzawa (柔沢 ジュウ Jūzawa Jū?) is a delinquent high school boy who just wants to be left alone. One day, he is approached by Ame Ochibana (堕花 雨 Ochibana Ame?) , who claims that she knew him in a previous life, and now wants to serve him as his "knight." At first Juu wants nothing to do with Ame, but after a classmate is murdered, he accepts her help as he looks for the killer.
Ryou Hirohashi as Ame Ochibana
Yoshimasa Hosoya as Jū Jūzawa
Finished watching this OVA last night. It was nice, I like it :)
I like mystery/investigation animes.
Since it was just 2 ovas I don't have much to say about it, but if they made an anime I'd like to watch it.
Scored 7.0 on MAL.