Kaguya-hime no Monogatari is a 2013 Japanese animated fantasy drama film produced by Studio Ghibli and directed and co-written by Isao Takahata, based on the folktale The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. It is Takahata's fifth film for Studio Ghibli, and his first since 1999's My Neighbors the Yamadas. It was released on November 23, 2013.
The film was well received by critics and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature at the 87th Academy Awards.
In an idyllic rural setting an old bamboo cutter and his wife raise a tiny girl found nestled within a glowing bamboo stalk along with a fortune in gold. As she approaches adulthood the bamboo cutter uses the fortune to purchase a villa in the capital, buy himself a title and employ tutors to transform the country girl-now given the name Kaguya-into a refined woman. News of her beauty brings powerful and wealthy suitors who compete for her hand in marriage, culminating in a proposal from the emperor. All the while Kaguya wishes that she and her family could return to their former life and to be reunited with her sweetheart, Sutemaru. Sooner or later, though, her true origins will make their own claim upon her.
Aki Asakura as Kaguya
Kengo Kora as Sutemaru
Nobuko Miyamoto as Ouna
Takeo Chii as Okina
This movie is so sad and pretty. I love Kaguya Hime story, one of my favorites, and Ghibli made it so perfect like all their movies <33
Love it!!!
I scored 10.0 on MAL. Highly recommend!!!