Black Bullet is a Japanese light novel series written by Shiden Kanzaki and illustrated by Saki Ukai, published under ASCII Media Works's Dengeki Bunko imprint. The series began publication on July 10, 2011, and 7 volumes have been published as of April 2014. A manga series began serialization on August 27, 2012 in ASCII Media Works's Dengeki Maoh. An anime adaptation by Kinema Citrus and Orange was announced at Dengeki Bunko's Autumn Festival 2013 on October 6, 2013. It aired from April 8, 2014 to July 1, 2014.
In the year 2021, mankind is decimated by the epidemic of Gastrea, a parasitic virus, and is forced to live within the Monolith walls, which are created from Varanium: a metal that is able to subdue Gastrea. Soon, children who were born with the Gastrea virus and obtained superhuman abilities as a result, are discovered and dubbed "Cursed Children". Due to the Gastrea virus' intervention, the Cursed Children could only be female. Civil Securities are formed to specialize fighting against Gastrea, operating with the pair of an Initiator, who are cursed children, and a Promoter, serving to lead the cursed children. Ten years after the epidemic, Rentarō Satomi, a high school student who is also a Promoter in Tendō Civil Security Agency owned by his childhood friend Kisara Tendō, along with his Initiator, Enju Aihara, conducts missions to prevent the destruction of the Tokyo Area and the world.
Rikiya Koyama as Kagetane Hiruko
Rina Hidaka as Enju Aihara
Yuuki Kaji as Rentarō Satomi
Aki Toyosaki as Seitenshi
Ami Koshimizu as Miori Shiba
Aoi Yūki as Kohina Hiruko
Hiromichi Tezuka as Shōgen Ikuma
Inori Minase as Asaku Mibu
Kousuke Toriumi as Ayn Rand
Megumi Han as Kayo Senju
Rumi Ookubo as Yuzuki Katagiri
Shinichiro Miki as Shōma Nagisawa
Tamio Ohki as Kikunojō Tendō
Tesshô Genda as Nagamasa Gadō
Tomoyo Kurosawa as Tina Sprout
Yoshimasa Hosoya as Tamaki Katagiri
Yui Horie as Kisara Tendō
Yui Ogura as Midori Fuse
Yuko Kaida as Sumire Muroto