Tomorrow is the last day of school. This year, it has further significance than being the end of classes. This year, it is the end of an epoch: high school.
It would be far too much work to construct sentences and then paragraphs with what I want to say.
Changes I have gone through during my years in high school
- I grew about six inches. I can't think of heights in the metric system.
- I have met many people: some entertaining, some helpful, some sensible, some understanding, and some, to me at least, who are best left unconsidered.
- I started to perceive how others perceive me.
- I started to think about boys. And then guys. And sex. Hurrrr derp
- I became interested in popular culture. I probably shouldn't care, because it doesn't affect me, except it does, hence "culture".
- I became interested in fashion.
Now I know~
- I learned stuff. I feel so fortunate. Seriously.
- I learned how to think..
- I learned to not care about things that don't matter. It's hard to do.
- I learned how to play two instruments other than the piano.
- I learned how to use this glorious city's transit system.
- I learned to do many things on the computer, mostly with the Web: HTML, using the Google to find random junk, etc.
- People are children, and then not. If they're lucky, they regain some child-like qualities, and in that, grow up.
- I realized that people don't usually give a crap about anyone other than themselves. Therefore, I try to not give a crap about what they think of me, since they do not give a crap.
My fern leaves . . . the good ones
- My male counterpart, except female: I love her. I love the zany things we share together.
- Flower child (credit to above person for the nickname): I love her. She is a good friend. My relationship with her is one of those that can't be explained in terms of what the members give to each other.
- not!Jenniferormale: I love her. We support each other.
- My future overlord/empress: I love her. We can talk about anything, without fear of judgment from the other. She makes anything interesting.
- Bookworm who loves to paddle: I love her. I have done the most things-that-friends-do-with-each-other things with her. I consider her a kindred spirit.
Things I love about the particular school from which I am graduating
- The building. It does not look like a prison, nor does it follow a template, like the elementary schools around here. In fact, its external colours are aesthetically pleasant. The lockers have a matte finish, without ugly vents. Also, the halls don't look dreary, although it's probably due to the okay lighting. And our desks are quite large, and not attached to our chairs!
- The teachers. Most of them are reasonable and not terribly boring. This probably applies to most schools, so make of this point what you will.
- The atmosphere. This probably comes with being in Canada, but the kids in our school, they don't give a crap what other people do. Now, depending on the individual, this is a good or bad thing. We have an even split in the foods classes, and the boys don't get crap about it. Most people have a group of people with which they can do stuff. I have seen a few people who sit alone. Everyone knows to keep a certain door closed improperly, so that, if the need arises, there's a way to get in when all the other doors are locked.
- Our media arts program.
Things I miss just because
- Band class. I love playing and performing in an ensemble. I love being with people who have even an iota of interest and concern for music.
- Recognizing/knowing the names of nearly all of the people in the room in which you are.
- Free textbooks for the year.
- Being able to meet up easily with the same people at the same time due to everyone's free time between classes being the same.