Mao-chan and Arashi on Kouhaku 2011- Yehayyyy!

Oct 20, 2011 00:16

I just have to come out of my shell and shout to the world how happy I am. Mao-chan to moderate Red team  and Arashi to moderate White on Kouhaku. I have been praying for this since last year. It seemed impossible then as Mao is not a singer. But God answered my prayer. He made it possible. I look forward to watch this live(hopefully internet won't play up).

This will be a great closure of 2011 and great start of 2012. I continue to pray for the record breaking success of this show. Mostly because this is for good cause. This is for Japan rebuilding.

And of course for a Maotsujun fan as me, the thought of them having rehearsals together, four and half hours of watching them on stage live will be a Maotsujun heaven for me.

Gambatte Mao-chan, Gambatte Arashi, Gambatte Japan.

inoue mao., kouhaku, maotsujun, arashi

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