Title: Surfing for Answers
Pairing: Changmin/Yoochun, Yunho/Changmin, Jaejoong/Yoochun
Disclaimer: They belong to me with the same percentage of certainty that merpeople exist.
Summary: Changmin is floundering with nothing to keep him above water. Yoochun is running with nothing to show him where he belongs. Both are drowning under deep expectations.
Rating: R
Warning: Fair bit of angst, mentions of sex
A/N: I've been wanting to write a surfer!Min and a merman!Yoochun fic for a long time, so I combined them. This is not your typical fantastical merman/human story.
Mermen: Jaejoong and Yoochun
Humans: Changmin, Junsu and Yunho
Part 1 Part 2 .