Title: Darkness Eyes
Pairing: Junho/Junsu, XiMin, JunMin, JunMinSu (eventual), JaeChun
Rating: R
Warnings: Incest! Some Language, Violence (later chapters), Smut (later chapters), Supernatural Elements (NonHuman!Junsu&Junho)
Summary: Supernaturals have always been a part of life that Changmin had accepted. But can he accept it when they decide to make him a part of theirs?
A/N:Here you go, the next chapter of Darkness Eyes! xD Haha, I had fun writing this and I hope you guys enjoy, despite…well, you’ll see xD Anyway, once again I hope you guys enjoy, please remember to tell me what you thought ^^
Part 1|
Part 2|
Part 3|
Part 4|
Part 5|
JaeChun Interlude|
Part 6|
Changmin nodded and Junho smiled again, standing and holding a hand out.)
Title: Kiss and Touch Me (Baby)
Pairing: XiMin
Rating: R
Warnings: Slight Angst, Vamp!Su (others to be added as they appear)
Summary: One faces the future with one's past. - Pearl S. Buck
A/N: > Okay, here is the next part in my Vampire Trilogy! ^^ Haha, I hope you guys enjoy this, I can’t see it being too much longer now ^^ A/N will be short as I don’t have a lot of time, but I hope you guys enjoy, please remember to tell me what you thought ^^
Part 1|
Part 2|
Part 3|
Part 4|
"I'm going to kiss you now, just so you know.")