I remember you from Sinny. If you can believe. I can't remember any of my old handles, but like, I really remember you, and had a heart attack when I found that there's a Sinny group on lj. Is it ok if I friend you?
I just found the lj group, and I can't remember if you were ever my Jedi Master or not (omg i seriously remember everyone but myself), but am completely freaking out.
Lol, no worries. I actually remember at least MOST of the people I trained-- Vanda/Amberle/Natselane (natselane), QuenChai, Aranya (rather, we trained together), and... someone else, early on, whose name eludes me, but we were pretty close. I was a Jedi Warrior, ran around with Callista, Elaina, and Bandit.
ALL OF THIS IS FAMILIAR. lol. I'm going back through the entire lj group with hopes that something might jog my memory. But until then, oh well. Nice to connect with a new/old friend. :)
I remember being a Jedi apprentice, and always fucking up and breaking my lightsabre. I also remember RPing this ridiculous FEMALE GUNDAM PILOT (could I get any worse?) and trying to kill Heero. A lot. And I remember basenjis and horse races and fire lizards and, of course, WOLVES. I think my wolf might have mated with Pepsi or something at one point. (too weird)
At least I am jogging your memory and/or BLOWING YOUR MIND. This excites me. ;-)
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