Aug 30, 2009 23:59
I've spent the past month in a blur of heat and jail tours and more heat and driving trolleys and did I mention heat? I feel like I've been working incredibly hard and ought to have something to show for it, other than my ridiculous costume tan (much worse than a farmer's).
I have had a lot of fun with my tourists and had some rather embarrassing moments too. I've made friends with my coworkers and really settled in at OTT. I reached a point sometime last week where I was just suddenly done. I was giving a jail tour and I thought- I want to scream. Saying this script again is like nails on chalkboard. I can only handle so much repetition and I've hit my limit. Now I just have to figure out how to keep doing the darn tours until I can find something else. So that's my summer in a nutshell. Jail- Heat- Costumes- TV watching- More Jail.
Here are a few of my favorite new obsessions:
The Time Traveller's Wife- Unless they royally screw it up in the last chapter, this is my favorite book in recent months. I am really enjoying the love story and the characters. I will say that my main beef with this is that the writer uses really awful vocabulary when describing sex scenes. It makes it very harsh which is jarring in an otherwise great book.
True Blood- I really like this show, although I feel a bit guilty about it. It's so interesting. I definitely like the books better. I guess I feel guilty because I know my mom would disapprove. It's so violent and disturbing sometimes. But in between it's really funny and engaging.
The Big Bang Theory- One of the funniest shows and my biggest obsession of the summer. I've gone down the rabbit hole on this one and taken to reading fan fiction on sheldon_penny here on LJ. I completely love all the characters. i went to school with guys like these. I sort of am guys like these at times. And I LOVE the chemistry between Sheldon and Penny (although apparently most of that is in Season 2. My friend started watching season 1 and thought I was nuts). Nerds, Asparagus, Battlestar Galactica.... What more could you want?
Fatshionista- Emily told me to look at this group a while ago and I kept forgetting to. After a completely humilating shopping excursion where it took my mom and I 4 hours to find a pair of pants that actually fit me, I decided to look them up. It was frustrating to feel so huge. I am really enjoying seeing all the pictures of the outfits and getting ideas on where to shop and just seeing that there's so many women in the same boat as me and they look so beautiful. It's encouraging me to think about trying to renovate my look and to appreciate myself as I am instead of waiting around hoping that I'll look like I used to in college and then my life will turn around.
Design Star- I really enjoy seeing what creative things this group will come up with next. There are some really interesting designers on here this season. My two favorites are Antonio and Dan. Antonio is this tattooed, hairy Italian guy who is a scenic designer. I love seeing a theater person trying to deal with all these designer people. While Jason is fluttering his hands and going on about how he can't get his princess room done on time, Antonio has already built the set for the kid's room and is done with time to spare. Yay for the training of Hell Week.
My other favorite is Dan. I want to Huggle him every time I see him. He's so adorable and very creative and a really good team player.
500 Days of Summer- I finally saw this this weekend and I love it. It's not at ALL what I thought it was going to be. It is definitely very funny in parts, but it's not a comedy. It's better to think of it as Garden State more than Little Miss Sunshine. Also, Summer is the girl, not the season. And it's not a love story. It's very well done and I really liked the way the story progressed. My expectations were completely off, but I really liked it. It's not a Garden State sort of afterglow where I feel like I learned something huge about life, but it is really good and thought provoking.
I have a double shift tomorrow and am super tired (have been working straight since thursday) I'll write more later,
the big bang theory,
true blood,