Aaaaaah..... I finally finished Jane Eyre. And it was FANTASTIC!!!! Oh, they took plenty of creative license, but I didn't mind. Well maybe a bit at the very end. Somehow Mr. Rochester and Jane making out in a field is not precisely how I imagined the end. But other then that- I loved how Toby Stephens made Mr. Rochester so loveable. I mean I've always felt compassion and the sort of urge to fix a broken man towards Rochester. But I always wondered whether he really was any good for Jane. I mean sure, she was good for him- but was it reciprocated? I really loved the way they had such a close friendship and they had such amazing chemistry. I was fascinated and a little embarrassed at the way they talked. The scene where he was giving her her wages was so adorable. I actually felt a little sorry for Blanche Ingram. Incidentally- does that actress ever play anyone but a snobby rich lady that doesn't get the man? I really liked St. John (I had NO idea that his name was pronounced Sin-Jin. I've been reading that wrong for years. And it sounds so WEIRD) Anyway- the romance in the movie was so fantastic. Ruth Wilson did such a good job of portraying Jane as a woman who's had a crap life but is still an interesting, imaginative person who isn't too caught up in herself. I think sometimes Jane Eyre is portrayed as kind of whiny or so downtrodden as to have no personality left. I really liked the Jane Eyre that came out in the 90s though. I think William Hurt was Rochester? I remember seeing it in the theatres. But I think Toby Stephens may have spoiled all Rochesters just as surely as Colin Firth spoiled all Darcys.
Incidentally, I agree with The Presidentrix that Toby Stephens and Damien Lewis look alike. I think T.S. would make a great red head. I've been trying to think of a good period piece they could both be in. I'd love to see them playing brothers or close friends. I think they'd play well off of each other.
Anyway, enough mooning about. I must have more British Period Piece Dramas. They are such a perfect antidote to the can't find a sustainable job- have no clue (or too many ideas to pick one) what to do about my future- blues.
What other period pieces can I try? I've watched all the Austens of course. I saw Wives and Daughters, North and South, Bleak House, and Merlin. Any suggestions?
In other news, I will not be buying
this painting from The Story People (I love this artist) Because I simply Do Not Believe it to be True. : )
Also, why haven't they made any Georgette Heyer books into movies?? She's a great writer, her books are exciting and funny and great period romance. I would love to see Frederica or Sprig Muslin or even Sylvester in film form.