So Tonight I watched the premiere of the second season of Flight og the Conchords here: don't want to spoil anything, so I will just point out my top moments. 1. Bret and Jermaine Dolls! I wants one 2. Bret's pants. 3. Finally a fantastic song about Rejection that makes me laugh and want to weepily sing along "Like a cake shop without cakes" (or a pie shop without pie?? I miss my pie maker. :( ) 4. Higgling. I want to do it behind the scenes too. It sounds like fun. 5. Why'd you even come if you weren't going to light a fire?
All in all, it was pretty funny. It felt a bit flatter than last year, but that may be because the music was mellower. Also they were always very understated humor. Maybe if I watched a few in a row I would get back into the rhythm.
Other News: I have to decide by Friday if I'm going to stage manage a show at Theatre Jax this spring. It would be a month and a half of rehearsals and a month long run. Also, it doesn't pay any money at all. I think this may be the first time ever that I'm seriously considering turning down a gig. I really want to get a part time job and save up money for Scotland. This would make that not possible until at least April. It's a great play- Wait Until Dark. Audrey Hepburn was in the filmed version. About a blind girl who tries to elude robbers in her apartment. However a community theatre performance is kind of hit or miss. I miss doing theatre so much it hurts sometimes. I just wish I could get paid for it. It's so hard to go back to spending all that time for free when I used to get paid for it. I don't want my resume to get too far behind though. I don't want to get rusty. Argh. I hate making biggish decisions. Make that decisions in general. I like small ones like what to watch on tv. But I'm so tired these days, I have trouble deciding what to cook for dinner, much less whether or not to try and work a second job and volunteer at theatre.
Other Other news: I found this really awesome website.'s basically like a facebook of sorts with the goal of connecting people and helping them to make new friends and find a place to stay when travelling. I read the material and it just made me think so much of how my family used to travel around Europe and across the states and we'd stay with folks from churches that people knew of or friends of friends or our actual friends. We hardly ever stayed in a hotel because we were too poor. This website and movement seems like a really cool way to make friends and get the insider scoop on different cities and cultures around the world. I really want to try this out when I go to Scotland this summer. It feels like it would be safer to try then, since there will be three of us travelling together. It seems like if we did end up at the home of a psycho killer, or a pervert the three of us could take them out. Or leave. Of course, if we do try it, we will be telling our families we're staying with friends. But if it really is safe and friendly like it seems, it would be a nice way to travel and get to experience the real culture when you're on your own or in smaller groups.
Anyway, I signed up. I think it would be so much fun to host people from other countries. I guess when you grow up hosting people from around the world at your house most weeks, something like this seems like a natural conclusion.
Ok. Must get to bed. I dosed myself up with Nyquil in an attempt to make me fall asleep sooner and thus be more awake tomorrow. I think that Nyquil=FAIL tonight. I hate trying to adjust back to work schedule after vacation. Blah.