You are a wolf demon. You are wise but a loner. U
enjoy livin dat kind of lifestyle though. U r
intrigued by the starz and da moon. U worship
da moon becuz of it. U luv da color black becuz
it is easier 4 u 2 read da starz @ dat time and
b alone.
Wat kinda demon r u? brought to you by
Quizilla You are a shark demon. You believ dat u r 1 of
these most power creaturez around which is your
down fall. U have great strength and it's
useless behind your big ego and outside your
element. U r most @ home in da ocean,but only
becuz your true weakness is livin on da
land.Dat is y u fear droughts.U luv da color
blue becuz it happenz 2 b da only thing u eva c
besidez your reflection.
Wat kinda demon r u? brought to you by
Quizilla You are a fox demon. You enjoy runnin around in da
forest bein free and careless, yet cautious of
intruders.U like da color green becuz it
symbolizes wat u call home. U fear
deforestation becuz u hold your home very close
2 your heart and would b lost w/o it.
Wat kinda demon r u? brought to you by
Quizilla You are a horse demon. You fear mostly everything,
but u still r quite strong and very stubborn.
U luv roamin around da country side becuz u
still need da outdoorz but u need people to
help u stay very well entertained(meaning
killin 'em). U luv da color brown becuz u have
a need to make droppings where eva u go 2 make
otherz miserable and make them suffer.
Wat kinda demon r u? brought to you by
Quizilla You are a coyote demon. U enjoy laughin @ da
vultcherz bald shiney headz and bumpin into
cacti. U are 1 frie short of a happy meal (not
literally)and u r not very well of takin care
of your own self and u r pretty careless and a
bit ignorant and disregard da rulez of life. U
fear sand storms becuz your lil frail body
can't stand ^ 2 1 very well and since u r 1
frie short of a happy meal u kinda don't no how
2 find refuge. U luv da desert becuz u enjoy
runnin around like an idiot and therez like no1
there 2 c u like dat.You luv red cuz itz da
color of blood and da only time u c it is when
u bump your head on2 a cactus.
Wat kinda demon r u? brought to you by