Mundane's/Munion's Day - Enduring and Surviving the Weekend - 05-05-2008

May 05, 2008 11:51

  Subject: Mundane's/Munion's Day - Enduring and Surviving the Weekend - 05-05-2008GBH


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Registered: 28-3-2007
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Mood: Enduring & Surviving

posted on 5-5-2008 at 10:51

Mundane's/Munion's Day - Enduring and Surviving the Weekend - 05-05-2008


Hail, All & EveryOne!
Hail, Anyone???

"Hail, Anyone???"
Yes. I did just write and post that.
Those are my words.
It's that kind of Mondae for me.
It's Mondae.
It's quiet here in this computer lab -
it's quiet at the household/residence -
it's even quiet out on the streets.

It was a very quietly empty weekend.
I did the Runes, The Tarot and the I-Ching.
Usual mixed and complicated, confusing results.
I did the I-Ching last night.
Here is what the I-Ching said about today, for today, for me:

You are temprarily restrained. Time for small steps.
Darkness has momentarily enveloped Light. Accept restraints. Remain content with taking small steps. Plant seeds rather than harvest fruit. Hold quietly to center, take small steps till Higher Power tames obstacles in way/path.

Heaven exists on Earth for those who maintain correct thoughts and actions. Be remaining aware of inferior/lower self while insuring superior/higher self governs conduct we arrive in a state of peace. Stay balanced, innocent and correct and good fortune is assured.

I can understand much of that.
I can even accept most of that.
I am not however - by anybody's definition - "innocent".
I may be either misreading the word or misunderstanding the intent of the word.
Need to think upon that and work on understanding that.

For the most part the Runes and Tarot did not conflict with that reading. In a few instances there were details that did not match but that could just be because I am still learning how to do this - and I may well not be understanding how to properly do what I am doing.
There is still much I need to learn aboout what I am learning how to do.
The Runes and the Tarot are co-ordinating rather well today - for today.
Then there is the I-Ching.
It is - in many ways - a similar message to the one I received earlier a few weeks ago that I so completely did not either understand or accept.

In the castings & readings for today I came across a veiled message about my driving to and from my appointments and errands. I did not understand that.
I was driving down Lugonia Ave. when I was stopped and diverted into a detour at Texas Street by cops in the street. It was not a pretty scene. Somebody in a late model, dark colour, four-door sedan had hit somebody on a bicyle. Cops were all over the incident scene. There were no medics or fire - they must have already been there and done their duties. Those cops were sure serious in their chalk lines and measurements.
Do not know what happened - and considering what I saw the cops doing - not sure I want to know what happened there.
It just tells me - again! - that if the Runes, Tarot or even the I-Ching tells me me to be awake and aware
and to pay extra attention to what I am doing - I will.
It was today's wake-up call.

I am now out-of-here for some of those errands and appointments.
I have places to go and things to accomplish.
IF all works out I'll be back online here in two (2) days on Woden's day.

So thus it was -
So thus it is -
So thus it be.

Take Care.
Stay Safe & Secure.
Remain Out of Harm's Way.

Blessings Be.

GBH / Paganus
Administrator / Solemn Solitary Scholar // Renaissance Reenactor
11:35 pacific

Rock and Roll all Night -
Party all Day as We are off
to see the Wizard -
the wonderful Wizard of Odds....

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