(no subject)

Nov 17, 2006 13:27

haven't been updating much, because of various notebooks that I've been writing in lately. Up until two weeks ago you wouldn't really want to read it anyway, just a bunch of messy-feeling things that I can only call emo. Two weeks ago I got a guitar and been messing with it everyday. Not that I'm any good mind you, but I'm much better now then I was two weeks ago. my fingers on my left hand now have tough pads at the end, where they've been dancing over frets and beating strings to my desire. been reading a whole lot too, I'm rediscovering a state that I had when I was younger, where I would lose sleep just because of a book, I couldn't help it, I was hungery for what was in those pages. Only I would wake up so I could read some more. I find myself carring a black notebook around and just joting down random thoughts and quotes that I find brillant, later I read it and I have to admit they don't make much sense. "Only in context can anything be truely enjoyed," I wrote three days ago. these past two weeks though, as amazing and changing as they are, seem only to serve to take my mind off a subject, part of me knows, part of me thinks it knows, and the vast majority is wishing it was blissfully unaware.
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