Mar 31, 2006 05:56
I have stayed up all night in an attepmt to write a history comparative essay, I started around ten last night and now, while it's almost six in the morning, I finally feel like I'm getting on the right track. I'm horrible about writting papers, it's my weakest and least favorite academic skill and I envy most of my friends for easly coming up with brillant idea for thier papers while mine seem choppy and uninventive. While I could write on and on about things outside of school - I'm a cripple limping my way through comparing two different accounts of FDR's New Deal programs.
I also have to give a debate speech about why America should go to war with Germany in World War I. I'm totally against it, so it was difficult for me, but I like debates better than writing papers, so I hope I can wing my way through. I'm opening with a quote from Ben Fraklin: "There is no such thing as a 'bad peace' or a 'good war'". With this I'm going to state that the war with Germany was unavoidable, that America stayed neutral for as long as it could. While Britain and Germany were both breaking international laws by declaring illegal war zones in international waters, Britain allowed neutral countries safe passage if they asked when German U-boats sank all ships, British or Neutral without question. This disguard which lead to many American deaths is why America took up arms with Germany with Britain as it's allies.