Jan 20, 2005 19:29
Fuck bush, fuck this coronation, there is no way this is a valid inauguration, damn dictators
Did people forget that he was rioted against back in 00
This is insane, its Portland and there is about 12 cops on each corner from front ave. all the way to 5th
From the Hawthorne bridge to Morrison
Its not like we live in a violent city, most our shootings are caused by the police…
Fuck bush
Fuck this oppressive police state, I don’t understand why it is needed and or justified.
Scare tactics work in an oppressive state I guess
Today was insane at work, I am so sick of god damn macs its not even funny
Spent over 2 hours today configuring a school districts server system to talk to OS9 OSX10.2 and 103 and one god damn PC
The macs were easy, cept her server doesn’t have a SMB, AFP or Windows File Sharing service installed or running(10.3 server)
But haha you can hit the server Via AFP on OS9
And by SMB on OSX
And by UNC path in windows
Yet the workgroup (or network browsing will not work)
This network admin had no idea how to secure the network
I shouldn’t have but I helped her a bit and tried to leave her understanding we are not in the network business and that she will need to secure her network before testing.
She cant take instructions nor can she handle more then 3 steps at once
I leave her almost working, just one last test to perform to make sure our testing environment will load…
So I leave her, asking that she calls me back once she is about to start our TestTaker app
This was before my lunch, and no call by 5pm
So I get to call her tomorrow and find out what she broke
Im the 6th person to deal with this, my lead gave it to me cause he doesn’t know macs, but good god im too busy to devote 2 hours to one client
So my whole day from when I come back from lunch was busy as shit, matt was out for a dentist appt and I had to take 3 follow up calls for him from our client development dept.
12 new cases, 2 new pet clients and I am told by me lead that my current leadership stand is working great and I shouldn’t change it (my leadership stand is something that I will continually work on, my current one is to accept challenges and inspire change, and then hands me off 2 new clients ahhhh) I was about to scream,
***Matt don’t say anything to Tony, Im not that pissed bout it, jut getting backed up with all the DRRs molly gave me***
so im sitting waiting for the bus… and I get a call at 5:30 (bus doesn’t come till 5:50)
It was Kevin (James bro in law) asking if I needed a ride, so I got a ride down to johns landing and was waiting for the bus (35, 40 and I think the 36 were all on the sign)
20 min goes by and nothing… so I start to walk
Get 4 bus stops ahead and I see the bus, so I stopped and waited. Only for it to go right past me, ARGH!
I was so pissed, so I continued my walk down to second and the street the Hawthorne east bound bridge access is on, only to find the god damn police have the bus stops blocked, and they stopped me to question why I was downtown.
Mind you this was after being at work for over 12 hours, with a stressful day
So I told the it was none of there god damn business why I was down there and asked to pass, only to have them all circle around me and stop me from going anywhere… all in swat gear. Then they demand to know why im downtown and refuse to let me go without explaining, so I say im going home. They make me tell my home addy as well as where my work is while being surrounded. I didn’t even know it was the presidents inauguration today, bah just pissed me off. I was detained for no reason, for over 15 min while I explained my presence downtown (while simply going from point A to point B)
Fuck this city
Bah im gonna stop this post cause im just pissed, walked too long to get home, 13 and a half hour day with 5 hours of sleep and over a few miles for me to walk home. BAH!
Gonna go get some beer