worth mentioning

Aug 11, 2009 08:31

In the context of health care reform debate, the following passage pretty much sums up why I think the Republican party, led by the neo-conservatives, left real conservatives behind.

In response to the accusation that Section 1233 of the proposed health care bill positions the government as an "interested party" in pushing doctors to sell the elderly on planning for death:

"Actually, I think it helps to be a right-wing wacko. Or at least someone who believes that government should never, ever be used to promote values or behaviors. So out with: Just Say No. Abstinence-only sex ed requirements. The Surgeon General on cigarette smoke. The FDA on nutrition. Farm subsidies that encourage one crop over another. Any anti-discrimination laws. Tax breaks for non-profits and churches."

(NOTE: the article is a fairly reasonable response which includes an ACTUAL LINK TO THE BILL, despite the snarky nature of the above).



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