My School Year was 36% perfect

Jun 23, 2006 19:43

stolen from Wendy. but I disagree with the results. I would say it was more like 90% perfect.

[x] fell in love
[x] skipped class (I honestly can't remember if I cut a class this year. damn. but probably.)
[ ] DETENTION Our school doesn't HAVE detention..
[x] hugged someone in school?
[ ] started a rumor?
[ ] gotten suspended?
total: 3


[x] cried in school
[ ] wish you could take something back
[x] made new friends
[x] gone to a dance
total: 3


[ ] watched a football game
[ ] watched a soccer game
[ ] watched a baseball game
[ ] watched a volleyball game
[ ] watched a tennis match
[ ] watched a softball game
[ ] watched a basketball game
total:0 I assume these have to be real live games... not on TV.. and the school's teams..


[ ] stood up for someone being made fun of
[ ] broken up with someone in school in school? like the actual act taking place in school? I don't think so ... I dunno ..
[ ] fought with a teacher
[ ] got kicked out of class
[ ] got sent to the office for getting in trouble
total: 0


[x] got a 100% on a test
[ ] walked to school haha
[ ] drove to school
[x] got dropped off at school
[ ] heard a rumor about yourself
total: 2


[ ] gone to school under the influence
[ ] had something illegal at school although it's quite possible. are cell phones illegal or is that just the board of ed?
[x] missed school when you weren't sick
[x] failed a test
[ ] failed a class
total: 2


[x] made up some lame excuse for homework not being done
[x]the teacher believed your lame excuse
[ ] crushed on a teacher
[ ] hit on a teacher
[x] hated a teacher ughhhhhhhh
total: 3


[ ] was involved with a sport
[ ] on student council
[x] in a club
[ ] got a scholarship
[x] got an award
total: 2


[x] fallen asleep in school
[ ] gotten in trouble for falling asleep in class
[ ] had your phone go off in class on silent mode...
[ ] had your phone taken away
[x] lied to a teacher?
total: 2


[ ] laughed so hard you cried in class
[ ] eaten lunch in the bathroom?
[ ] missed more than a week at once of school
[x] excited for summer
[ ] taking summer school
total: 1

Add up your total and times it by 2. then repost saying: My School Year was ___% Perfect
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