Apr 28, 2008 13:18
So... this is shaping up to be an interesting year. Not only am I having a baby in August, the first grandchild for my parents, but I'm going to become an aunt in November and my parents earn themselves a second grandchild a mere 2.5 months after their first.
My brother and his girlfriend are having a baby...
Well, at the moment, I am happy for them, but cautious. After all, they are 22 (my brother) and 19 (his girlfriend). Not exactly, in my opinion, the ideal age to procreating. They are still very young. In manner, idealisms and thoughts, as well as age. They seem to be wandering around in an impenetrable bubble, secure in their belief that having a baby won't affect their lifestyle whatsoever. They have 3 cars (2 of which they have loans for), repayments on a 55-inch tv, every gadget known to man - X-box 360, dvd recorder, laptop, desktop, the newest mobile phones, etc. They could go out drinking, or partying, or even just out to wherever, whenever they want.
They seem to think this will not change one bit...
My brother is adamant he won't be changing nappies. Interesting. So he won't ever be left alone with his own baby? I asked him. I dunno, was his answer. Maybe. I'll just leave it til Kali gets home.
I am a little worried. Kali, despite being precisely 12 weeks pregnant, some 10 weeks behind me, is already an expert on all things pregnancy and childbirth/rearing. She already knows adamantly what she will and won't need, in regards to the baby. The baby will be born in November, she informed me. So therefore she doesn't need anything in the way of long sleeved jumpsuits or baby-gros. She also doesn't need anything in 0000 or 000 because her friend had a baby that is 2 months old and is already into 00.
Oh it's going to be an interesting time ahead... Lol.