Oct 23, 2006 12:55
Soooooooooooooo.... I return to the land of the LJ!!! It's been a long, long, while. So long really, that I can't remember the last time. I've been meaning to update this for what feels liKe forever, but so much has happened that any update post would just go on for too long, so I'm not really gonna update what I've been doing so much as just say that a) I'm not living w/ someone, b) I'm happy and c) I'm gonna pretend liKe I never abandoned this.... Hehe.
So I've decided to do NaNoWriMo. I've thought about it before, but never attempted it. It's not at a very convenient time for Aussie uni/school students and I've never been good at time management so I wasn't going to risk juggling final assignments and exams w/ trying to write 50,000 words in 30 days. But this year there is none of all that so I'm going to give it a go. Why the hell not? It sounds liKe fun and I've always loved writing....here's a good chance to actually sit down, start something, and finish it too. There'll be plenty of time for editing and stuff later on. After November 30. And I'll have good ol' LJ to sound off in while I'm going through the challenge ~G~