Title: Harry Potter: Hotheaded Hooligan, or Heroic Husband?
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ginny's first professional Quidditch match doesn't turn out quite the way Harry had hoped.
Notes: Written for, and dedicated to,
r_becca in honor of her birthday, and in gratitude for all the hard work she puts in as the ultimate Harry/Ginny cheerleader. Thanks to
katieay for beta
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Comments 30
eeee, I love this! So cute and funny and sexy and hahahaha, Harry is so stupid sometimes.
One thing I love about your writing is the way that even though you don't use a ton of description, I can always picture each scene perfectly -- it's just the right amount of description to suggest the scene, but not to overdraw it. You did that wonderfully here too -- the fight, the lockup, and their postmortem foot rub all come through equally well here, and I can really *see* each scene.
Lovely job -- thank you so much!! And haha, I am incredibly amused that I have been bugging you about your writing nonstop and you kept this to yourself. You're a better woman than I. :D
I'm glad you enjoyed this! Thanks so much for reviewing.
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