Jan 18, 2004 16:55
the math gods hate me. oh well.
gross story of the year, which doesn't sound like that big of a feat, considering it's only 18 days into the new year, but whatev: my parents gave me one of those sexy mosquito net things to hang over my bed and in the past three or four days, i've found three earwigs in it. two live ones and one dead, dried up one. and the two live ones were crawling up it while i was asleep in the bed underneath it. the could have fallen down on my face during the night, crawled into my ears and had babies. ackkkkkkk, earwig ear babies. so now i can never ever ever ever ever ever ever sleep in that bed again. other than that, though, i'm fine.
oh, and i did get my anniversary supper on friday. it was so nice and romantic as were my gifts. yay :)
once again on the earwig topic, where the fuck are the earwigs comming from? it's the end of january.
yay for school tomorrow and my french interview on tursday. gah, being in closed quarters with ms. holden and being marked on my [extreme lack of] ability to speak french makes me break out into a rash. so very scary.
in less than two weeks i am free from the horror that is exams. :) i hate studying so much. i don't get these multiple hours of my life back.
so i hear that the festival card things are being sent out in the mail relatively soon. i really have no idea why i'm doing festival this year. i stopped doing solo classes two or three years ago because i hated it and all of the adjudicators were morons. i love my song and everything, but it's one of those really slow, deep, powerful mucial theatre songs; not showy and big. i know i'm going to get stuck with an adjudicator who thinks all musical theatre pieces have to be over-the-top choreographed numbers, and will mark me down for choosing a song that i just have to stand there and sing. this means i'll have to kill me adjudicator this year.
^pointless rant of the week.