some romance in wisconsin...

Jul 18, 2005 18:29

so, this morning i went to the coffee shop up town and got my chocolate peanutbutter frozen cap liek i always do and sat down and read my book at the small tables outside. it was a nice morning, blue sky and all, which seems to be common here. anyways, the morning started out liek it has every morning for the past two weeks, but then i was interupted right in the middle of my chapter. I looked up, slightly annoyed, but ready to put on a polite appearance, and saw the most americanly georgious guy. He said, "excuse me, but the lady who works here says your new and i see you sitting out here every morning, so i thouhgt i might try and introduce myself." i found this polite outgoingness very refreshing and very mature so of course, i bit. I told him where i was from and where i was going and basically that i was just here to hang out and chill for the summer. He was so cute. As he was leavign he said sorry for destracting me from my reading but he said he could just sense something different about me. I asked him what it was and he said he didnt know except that every morning when he walked past to go fishing in the marina (he does that for fun, isnt that cute) he just noticed me. I thought that was really cute. Then he was like, this may seem a little forward, but could i have your number? i of course, bit again. So, i think i will take this pause in my story to tell you a little about him. His name is kevin and he just graduated as well. He plays soccer and baseball and was the captians of his teams jsut liek me. He is going to UW in the fall and majoring in biology. Every morning he walks down to the marina to fish with his grandpa cuz he looks up to the wise and witty man and hates sleeping the day away. During the day, he runs the "Parks" center for kids, its his job. Then at night, he normally hangs out with his guy friends or goes to some parties. He loves classic rock and is a huge fan of simon and garfunkle (yay!!). He wears jeans, berks, and old teeshirts from his grandpa or polos. oh yeah, and did i mention, he ripped like jesus. anyways, so i was amused and felt just liek some good vibe from him but didnt think too much of it for the rest of the day until at about 2, my cell phone rang. I was in the middle of making my pillows for my room, but i answered anyways hoping it would be someone from granville. Anyways, he said, "hey, its kevin. i know you are probably busy but if you want, i got off early from work and i was going to head to the park for the art show becuase my aunt and grandma run a stand there. i thought you might want to come and check it out. you may be able to meet some new people" so, i decided to clear my very busy schedual of reading, sleeping, sewing, reading, staring at teh wall, walking around outside, and go with him. i met him at the park sense its right by my house and i started to walk to the normal path, he told me to follow him cuz he had a nicer way. Omg, it was so beautiful. its this beatin in path down by a fresh water creek and we took off our shoes and walked in it. (I was wearing my summer dress and my hair in a ribbon of course.)He made me laugh harder than many people (Cept lyns) have made me laugh in a while and he said "im glad, i went wiht my gut and talked to you, thats not normally my style" i asked why, he just decided to come up and tlak to me, i asked, jokingly, if it were some bet or soemthing. he said "i dont know, i coudl just tell you wernt from here. all the girls here think they own the world. they have no appreciation for the simple things. they have to live a fast life and never just have things to say. you are just different. you wear a dress instead of short shorts and a tang top and you ahve a ribbon in your hair and you are ok wiht being alone." i corrected him into saying i have some shorts and tang tops, but yes, hes right, i do wear a ribbon in my hair. " He said its jsut things liek taht, just little things that i appreciate. He said he could jsut tell i was nice and would never go out of my way to hurt anyone. All of this of course made my smile. but dont worry, it wasnt all talk like this. it was mainly laughing adn just regular, non sappy conversation. He said he had a girl friend for pretty much all of highschool. she was really into the drama department and was pretty popular. She was a lot of fun he said, but she didnt have bigger goals than highscool, she didnt seem to be really really passionate about anything or care that much about anything. she was fun adn easy to be around, but jsut nothing there. he said they are still friends. I told him aobut my sagas or relationships and he seemed to understand and we agreed that sometimes things jsut dont work out but he and i really clicked when we started talkting about how we dont regret anything in life becasue each thing that happens affects us in some way. anyways, we got to the art show and he was so cute with his aunt, shes really spunky adn they teased eachother alot. his grandma didnt say much but you could tell he helps to look after her. kevin loves his family. After the art show he walked me home. He said he had a lot of fun adn would really like to hang out again. i said he coudl call my whenever if he feels like taking on my family. He laughed adn we hugged. we looked at eachother and it was one of thoes moments. he leaned in closer... and....


i did get a frozen cap though...and thats pretty much all i need. plus, im just that bored at the library that i made up this whole elaborate dream story in my head until my bro gets out of story time. its a nice story though.
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