some day we will all be old, and ill be so damn beautiful

Jul 12, 2005 12:34

wooo...library again. so, today is my mems birthday and i feel bad for it cuz going to the library and unpacking sure isnt the way id like to spend my birthday. she sure puts up with a lot and i love her for it, plus, lately shes like basically one of my best friends, you know, i cant talk to her about everything, but shes pretty cool. Anyways, the highschool here is flipping huge and i get pie soon from burger king. yeah, two pretty random thoughts there. so...10 things to be excited for:

1. garik!!! yay. one week adn a half
2. Lynsey!! yay. one month
3. New cell phone!! yay. serivce.
4. New room decorations!! yay. trading spaces-esque
5. College!! yay. new friends. new boys.
6. Pie!! yay. burger king.
7. Organizing my pictures!! yay. compulsive me.
8. Kayacking!! yay. Lake Michigan.
9. Backpacking!! hahahhaha, jk. (but waht do you dooo??)
10. August 13th!! yay. eighteen years old.

thoes are just a few thigns to be excited for, you can post and add a few more if youd like, but im gonna head out. peace out!
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