But My Thumb Hurts Real Bad!!

Jan 23, 2006 00:04

(Subject a re-wording of Napoleon Dynamite while @ school on the phone with Kip about his chapped lips)

So today I hear the phone ring, get out of bed to answer it, go to take a step in which I will bear all of my weight on my asleep-at-the-knee left leg (asleep unbeknownst to me)and proceed to fall face-down, with all of my weight, on my left hand and arm, which of course I cannot use to break my fall. So, my hand starts throbbing real bad, and since I feel things in a real screwey way on that side, it took me forever, and lots of poking and prodding initially to locate the source of the pain, which turned out to be above the big, bottom-most joint of my thumb (the one closest to the palm). Anyway, so since I can't get up until my leg wakes up, I just sit there. (I'm still half asleep). I finally decide I don't care, get back into bed, and start to go to sleep again, despite the continue throbbing of my left hand and the pain it shoots up my left arm when i touch the bad hurty spot. Anyway, it is now like 11 hours later and it still hurts. I cannot bend it of its own accord, but when I go to do my flexing, stretching arm exercises and move it around, it is at times kind of excruciating (kind of). When I bend it, it hurts. When it bumps against things, it hurts. When it is straightened out, it hurts.

So, here is my qusetion: Have you kids ever had a broken or sprained finger? If so, did you go to the doctor? How do you know the difference? Allison: you said you sprained one and it hurt for a month, but I can't believe that it hurt this bad for a month and you didn't goto the doctor. I don't know what I did, or what I should do about it. (I would have to go back home to visit the doctor, or goto the Er here, and me no likey either option.

Anyway, I am officially a grumpy old woman, who is complaining about physical maladies like gout, etc. I just want more advice. My mom just said: "Put ice on it." how is ice going to make it un-sprained or un-broken or un-whatever is wrong with it?

I saw King Kong tonight. Blah!! Blah, I say!! The effects were cool, but I could easily have only seen a 1 hour & 30 min versionof it instead. The fights/chasing/killing/running through the jungle/dinosaur attacks got really old, really quick. So did Naomi Watts constantly looking up at the apely beast with tears in her eyes. Blah.

I went to a hippie church today. And Ricky was in town, so we hung out with him a bit.

Sorry for the typing/spelling mistakes which I'm sure are there. I don't care enough to go back and fix.
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