Thefted from Boy.

Mar 07, 2007 20:20


1. Favorite country song?
Right now, almost anything from Rascall Flatts. Damn good.

2. Last thing you bought?
umbrella. Lost 2 in the last week

3. Last time you got flowers?
Valentine's day. *technically* the day before.

4. Do you share a toothbrush with your significant other?
No dice.

5. One of your stuffed animals' names as a kid?
Colourful. Left him at the hospital. Sad.

6. Did you ever own at one time a Barenaked Ladies CD?
Yes. Still do.

7. Favorite day of the week?
Sunday. sleep in. generally do nothing

8. Favorite Sundae topping?

9. Did you take Piano lessons?
I did briefly. I taught myself quite a bit of it, as well as how to read music. I'm no mozart, but not bad for only having ever had 2 lessons whenst 7.

10. T.V. show you secretly enjoy?
The Hills.

11. Date someone older or younger?
Have done both. Younger doesn't work. Older seems better.

12. One place you could travel to right now?

13. Do you use umbrellas?
Yes. I go through them like they're going out of style. 5 in one season seems a bit excessive yes?

14. Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem?
I do indeed.

15. Best job you ever had?
Current job. Though the hotel was usefull for socializing and doing homework.

16. What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep every night?
more often then not talk to boy. other than that, try and make sure i'm set for the following day.

17. Ever been in a car accident?
No. Damn close repeatedly though. Scary to see your life before your eyes.

18. What age is this exciting life over for you?
The day I die.

20. Were you ever in a school talent show? school didn't have alot of those.

21. Allergic to?
Nothing that I'm aware.

22. Favorite fruit?

24. Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap?

26. Do you scream on roller coasters?
If I'm not so scared that I can't breathe, than yes. Otherwise, I hope it doesn't last long.

27. Who was your first prom date?
My first boyfriend. Though it was his prom, not mine. (As for boy, you did take a date to a dance, me to your uni grad:P)

28. Who was your first roommate?
Official..would be cousin.

29. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk for the first time?
Mike's Hard Lemonade

30. What was your first job?
besides babysitting, was helping a family friend at a restrant

31. What was your first car?
91 plymouth laser a.k.a. lemon.

33. Who was your first grade teacher?
Ms. Anderson

34. Where did you go on your first airplane ride?

35. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
Boy. or Tracey. saying no one was with me when bad day ensued...then its whoever I'm with.

36. (yes I'm adding new questions). - Ed added these
Do you like your job?
Quite a bit yes.

37. What do you do when you have time off?

38. What's your favorite color?

39. Sleepy yet?
starting to crash yes.

40. You made it to number 40. How do you feel?

41. Favorite movie?
Anything that keeps me entertained.

42. If you could drive one car for the rest of your life it would be...?
something that doesn't break down weekly.

43. Say the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the word: Milk

44. Do you have a favorite song? Why is it your fav?
Depends on my mood and what I can relate to.

45. Who did you Idolize when you were a kid?
didn't really idolize anyone that I can recall.

45 seems like a good number to stop at.
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