Sep 14, 2010 18:44
Results has been a sadist to me. well definitely. It is not up to my expectation. sad sad sad.
I should be getting an A1 for prelim, and here i am still stuck at B3. But in life, there's the uphill and downhill.
down relatively means you are feeling gloomy but for uphill, that when you're feeling high and hyper.
Well, as one of the graduating class, we have no excuse to give up hallway because we are like 8/10 there !
But i recently heard that the express students are not performing well. 2011 o level result going to be downhill to everyone ? Who knows? Only god knows. He gives you the different routes to follow but you are going to be the one who will be making decision weather you want to work hard to achieve it or to stop what you are trying to achieve and turn and look at other perspective. For example, i have a friend who is taking national exam, well probably because of BGR relationship, she WANTED to give up her education and wanted to work and get mArried. Without an O lvl cert, where can you go ? In the first place, why do you even want to go to school ? With higher education system there will more people fighting for the job that they want. And to achieve it, you have to score better than others. Hmm, sounds like Sinhalese education system. Haha.
After exam and im still revising which means i did badly for my exam. No point crying over spilled milk. But its time to buck up and get back on track. Others are catching and really hate it when others score better than me. * .- IM A HUMAN ALSO
Shit, tomorrow there's school and its physics in the morning.
im gonna be wrack real hard tomorrow, hopefully im not the lowest. i really screwed up my physics like Sai