May 09, 2007 19:25
i wrote an entry about me getting high of fairybread, loosing myself at this technothing near Trutnov and forcing random people to bring me to my tent, (was lost) where there was rum and then loosing all my fuckin money... on the way back from Trutnov the carbattery was flat we couldnt start the car.. and than there was Novy Bor and more fairybread and hitching home fucked as! Also afetr the marihuana march last weekend we went camping and i was drunk, surprise, when i got back i spilled some soup onto my computer, it wont work and therefore that long entry wont bother any of my readers.. that is if there's anyone does read my bullshit
im again hungover...
on sunday i drank way to much absinth and ran into a pole...
yeastareday i met this girl from brisbane Grrr.. I WILL BE GOING SOON.. she was soo cute hihi... (if youre reading this you better blush!)
yeah and dave and lost a game of tablefootbal, again, in Znama Firma last night again... to many beers and joints... did we even pay for the bill?
NOTE: if you know the recepy how to be responsible post it!