I got back from seeing the (Former) Quasi-Roommate* as Titania in Midsummer and celebrating her command performance with banana milkshakes and fun times** to find that the lovely Peter A from
Zeus Blog caught
me and Captain Chaotica!! discussing his "Beige on Beige" article and left a nice comment instead of getting upset about us not only talking
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Eeek! I had no idea anybody else was actually reading this (I thought) obscure little blog... Now I wish I had sounded more intelligent. Heh.
I'll have to make sure I don't say anything personal about my real life and/or fangirlishly hormonal in a reply to anything that was on somebody else's blog they might actually check... :P
And yes, we have talked about what we think of Five's personality, etc. at great length before, and didn't think it was worth _just_ our two's time to get into it again here. That, and the character limit on LJ that e-mail doesn't have.
Those links are HILARIOUS ON A _STICK_. Oh, man. It is _weird_ how well the Doctor Who themesong--and not the current version, not even the actual ones from the '80s but the _1963 original Delia Derbyshire mix_, goes with '80s New Wave. I have thought that a while now. It just...totally does! It works perfectly with things 20 years later...
...which is oddly _appropriate_, in a way. For another example...did you ever hear that mash-up of the original Doctor Who theme song with "Personal Jesus" by Depeche Mode, that I may or may not have ever successfully sent you? Yeah.
Speaking of people actually noticing fannish ramblings, did you know the "Sixth Doctor Club" (I find it interesting that he's Zeus's favourite...huh) at DeviantArt is going to be doing artwork in honour of Colin Baker's birthday on June 8th...that will _actually be shown to him_? HA! Oh, that's awesome. Now I have to make myself _not_ just go take a picture of him and Peri's Sims (and heck, why not Mel, too) gathering around a birthday cake with him ready to blow out the candles. Easy(ish...I still have to MAKE a decent Sim of Mel, for one), yes...my own personal hand-made artwork, no.
(I'll probably still go and arrange/take that screenshot ANYway, just 'cos it'd be so cute...)
Anyway...those were HILARIOUS. Ten hugging the crap out of everyone (do you know, as I move further and further on into the '80s, with the Classic Who watching...the _less_ and less alien, Really Changed and Wrong!-looking the appearance of the new series is? Besides the dark lighting and snuffing the poor innocent roundels, anyway.) the "Oh, so you've gone 2,000 miles to make it look like we're on a beach near whatever..." :P
and the Torchwood one had SO many good lines...
"I, Captain Sparrow Scarlett Harkness DAMMIT"
"Oh, that's the biggest, most convincing special effect I've ever seen!"
"and we deal with, you know, big stompy metal monsters and people who used to be on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all that sort of thing."
Not to mention the "pre-watershed version of the show", among others. Oh my gosh.
Well, off to go torture my poor Sims some more in the name of storytelling. Be seeing you!
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