"People, leave your tombs earthed."

Mar 20, 2009 21:05

Wait a second...  Did Etrigan speak only in rhyme on Justice League?  Because he definitely did on Brave and the Bold.  Also, I would have liked the credits to have gone by a bit more slowly, and more large...ly...  Since, y'know, IMDb has ZERO INFORMATION about the cast of that show.

The series finale (and not in the BBC sense of the phrase, in the "that's it; this is the end" sense) of Battlestar Galactica is on right now.  There have been maybe eight or ten episodes of this show that I haven't watched on the night that they originally aired.  Even through the rough year(s), I tuned in religiously, if not as enthusiastically as I did before all of the characters I liked either died or turned into arses.  And yet, I'm watching Princess Bride on Bravo, because three of those episodes I didn't watch when they aired were the last three weeks. The fact that I'm not watching the finale along with the rest of scifi geekdom makes me only slightly less sad than the fact that I haven't been excited enough about it to have actually gotten caught up so I could watch it.  The writing really has picked up - possibly even to where it was originally - but I just...don't care that much anymore.  And that really does break my little geek heart.

In other geek news, I have gotten back into my Whedon-watching schedule, and, predictably, I've been enjoying the phrack out of these backstory episodes.  I mean, period costume, the happy little "coven," lots and lots of Spike and Dru (and Darla and Angelus, of course, though they're not quite as high up on my Awesome List, even still)...  What isn't awesome about that?  Nothing, that's what.

Combine this with the fact that the GFP and I have just gotten up to "Halloween" (OH, "Halloween"...), and I'm kind of in viewing heaven.  It does hurt all the more to see whiney Angel when I know how much more awesome he can be, though.  And I had completely forgotten all of the Cordie flirting with Angel stuff.  Bwahaha, is that amusing.

As for "The Shroud of Rahmon," 1) I had really hoped it would be pronounced like the noodles, and 2) I think it would have been a lot better if he actually had killed Kate.  Not because I dislike her, or because I think he needs any more ANGST!, but because I think what _did_ happen was confusing (and not in the good "Because it was a crazy-making shroud and all of the characters were wonky" way) and somewhat predictable/poorly written.  The on-screen decapitation was rather nicely shocking, though.  I do love the fact that no one gets along with Gunn, and, oh yeah, Alexis Denisoff is Sandy Rivers and argues with Lily HAHAHA!!  (Wait, that's a different show...)

battlestar, weetabix addicts anonymous, shows i watch even though they p me off, no capes, shows i watch because they are awesome, angel, joss whedon has stolen my time, btvs

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