I had really intended to write up some big long thing about the presentation of dreams in the Buffy episode "Restless" and the Justice League episode "Only a Dream" (which, coincidentally, I watched practically back-to-back) before I moved on in either series. But, instead of being able to do so, I only had just enough energy to watch one episode of something before passing out, and, as the next BtVS episode for me was "Buffy vs. Dracula," you can bet that's what my Stoker-lovin' heart and I decided on.
Whether or not that big long thing about dreams ever gets written, I WILL be writing a big long thing about a certain character who rather unexpectedly stole this episode for me. What with the project and the socialising I have committed to and the email I most definitely owe Chaotica, I can't make any promises when that will get done. But I suspect the only person who cares won't be able to read it anytime soon, anyway, so whatever, right?
For now, I HAVE to say,
I cannot even begin to express my delight and amusement over Renfield!Xander. Which bodes well for this big long thing I'm planning to write, eh? Nothing like trying to write about something you have no words for.
So, yeah. Marti Noxon wins for a very long time, even if she is apparently writing for Private Practice these days. And her name still makes me think of my shampoo.