"Oh, man, LATIN! One of those dead languages you always mean to learn!"

Jan 30, 2009 04:58

I like how that Doctor-sized hole in my viewing schedule has had to be filled by BtVS, Angel, Justice League, How I Met Your Mother, and now Inuyasha, as well. I'm pretty sure it was all the talk about Doyle being a half-demon that brought back my interest in that show*, and I'm actually watching it properly from the beginning this time and everything. The upside here is that I'm now watching at least one thing recommended to me by nearly every one of my friends, so if I ever actually manage to TALK to anyone ever again, I'll have a topic of conversation.

Meantime, I'm starting to get rather antsy waiting on the go-ahead on the next Who serial, but I'm also really dreading it, since my next one is "The Two Doctors," and I don't want to be up to Troughton's last episode yet. I want to still have Two and Jamie-ness in my future! I mean, other than that one episode of "The Abominable Snowmen" that I had trouble getting to work when I was first going through and skipped, then got to work later but have been saving. It's just so sad to think that my next serial is the last bit of Two ever recorded. There's still some supplemental audio/visual material floating around with Three, but there is no more Two after this. ::sniff::

And speaking of things that are unintentionally depressing, Cordie's Ghost joke in "Rm w/a Vu"** made me laugh just long enough to feel really intensely bad about doing so when my brain made the decade-leap back to the present.

One of these days, I'm going to have to stop starting new-to-me television shows and start all of those reading/writing/learning French/getting a job/generally bettering myself projects.  Also, that Design project would probably be a good thing to work on, too.

Yay, life.

* While it could never be said that Doyle and Inuyasha are especially similar characters, Cordelia and Kagome certainly share a personality trait or two.  Also the fact that I'm cheating on the X-Men with the Justice League probably got me to thinking about Kirby Morrow.  Perhaps one of these days, I'll actually see an episode with Miroku in...

** "Little old lady ghost. How come Patrick Swayze's never dead when you need him?"

angel, shows i watch because they are awesome, i heart two and jamie, life avoidance, i'm sorry doctor i'm so sorry

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