Well, hell...

May 10, 2008 06:47

I guess I asked for that one...

I was really hoping more for _happy_ weird - Sweeny is dark, but they have a bit of fun with it; "Planet of the Ood" and "State of Decay" aren't either one _that_ freaky, and they both have The Doctor and an awesome Companion, which makes anything happier; "Faith," though very violent and depressing, ended on a hopeful note for the first time in a good long while, and I actually started to really kind of LIKE the show again.  I was hoping THOSE would be the sorts of things that would influence my REM cycles tonight.

Instead, my brain went all Alison Dubois on me, and I just woke up about ten minutes ago in a cold sweat, clutching at my comforter.

Oh, jeeze, _there's_ a thought...  That's really all I need in my life right now, to pick up a newspaper in the next day or so and see that my dream happened, or for this to start happening on a regular basis.

I am utterly exhausted, but I'm thinking I'm not going to be able to get back to sleep unless I watch an episode of All Creatures first.

And what does it say about me that one of the very first things I did when I convinced myself to let go of the covers was turn on my computer because, If I post it on LJ, it'll all be okay?  Is this a symptom of hypergraphia, or of Internet addiction?

shows i watch even though they p me off, doctor who, i am an enormous dork

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