I need waffles. Lots of waffles.

May 11, 2012 08:36

I can't even talk about what I just watched because The Feels are all over the place and are preventing my brain from working.

Well, I can say this much, because I have zero doubts about it: Ben's reaction to the Lagavulin* was the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life, and I adore the fact that they gave us a moment where a) Ron invited someone new (namely Ben) into his world, b) said someone DIDN'T wind up preferring the Ron Swanson Method, and c) said someone still gained a lot from the bonding experience and took away from it the things that he found useful.  It wouldn't have worked for me if, like Chris with the burgers last year and the Lagavulin earlier this season, Ben had gone, "Oh, wow, Ron, you're right - this stuff is WAY BETTER than what I ordered!", because Ben isn't that person.  He IS, however, the kind of person who gives things a fair (if tentative) try and doesn't censor his reactions to the things that shock/horrify/disgust him (of which there seem to be many).

...LESLIE KNOPE, YOU GUYS.  Is there a greater character on television today?  (No.  There isn't.  Don't even pretend like there is.)

* Firefox's spellchecker wants this word to be "unavailing."  It's a measure of how dorkily Ben-ish I can be that I find this absolutely hilarious, and a measure of how Abed-y I am that I will most likely tell this story to at least one person who neither finds Adventures with Spellcheck stories amusing nor knows what Lagavulin is (as my tags have reminded me, this also qualifies as a measure of how Willow-y I am.  Acute triangles, anyone?)

ways in which i am willow, the leslie knope appreciation society, i am an enormous dork, leslie and mean ben sittin in a tree, ways in which i am abed

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