This is what I have chosen to do with my evening.

May 03, 2012 02:14 kept happening to my brain during my Hunger Games reread this week:

Oh gawd, there is only one other person in the entire world who knows my mind, Hunger Games, and Angel, and even she probably can't understand my terrible 'shopping.

Before I devoted my evening to creating that monstrosity, I spent a portion of the afternoon walking a nature trail down in Touristy Beachtown.  A few minutes into the walk, after having seen no other humans but several small furry woodland creatures, I thought, "Hey, it's like the Hunger Games!"  And then I looked down at my belly full of Moe's tofu tacos, my flipflops, and the Starbucks cup in my hand and realized, no.  No, it's really not like the Hunger Games at all.  MY PRIVILEGE, LET US ALL EXAMINE IT.

litgeek funness, bloody obscure jokes, i am an enormous dork, craftiness, better than shoveling demon horse poo, what is my brain?, how do i live?!, angel, really terrible jokes

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