I finally realized while reading Volume 7 of BS8 why I have such a problem with the season's big reveal.
There's just no way. I could buy into the idea that Angel would sacrifice the BtVS cast so that he and Buffy could be happy together in an uncorrupted world, and it would make sense - to an extent - that he might, after a significant amount of persuasion, buy into the idea that it would be better to just start over with a new universe than to let people continue to live in an imperfect world PROVIDED all of the people he cares about had already died*. Given that Cordie, Wes, and Fred are all gone at this point, he's damn close to that point, but ANGEL'S SON IS STILL ALIVE**. I promise you that Angel loves Connor more than anyone or anything else, and Buffy is NOT an exception.
I mean, I could understand the writers overlooking that if Angel had a completely different creative team than BtVS and they just decided to treat BS8 as though nothing that happened to Angel outside of Sunnydale was canon, or if Connor had been an addition to the IDW comics, like Betta George or Beck or Jeremy***. It would be a dickish move on their part, but I could understand it. But that wasn't the case; the two shows shared a creative team, and it was only the fact that they were on different channels that separated the shows from a continuity pov. So, no. Angel would not have been on board with an end-of-the-world plot because Connor exists.
In unrelated news, I misread a word in Volume 5***, and suddenly I thought Kennedy was telling Satsu, "Good thing I licked the kitty out of you before I sucked you dry." That is SO MUCH FUNNIER and less bizarre than "kicked the kitty...before it sucked" and, considering the characters, actually fairly appropriate...in a totally inappropriate way.
* Also, I would argue that it would take his knowing that the world would cease to exist, rather than be overrun with superdemons and torturous death, but I could see him eventually overlooking even that, if he could be convinced that deaths would be quicker than the slow, lingering torture of daily life. I'm certainly not going to be the one to say that nihilism is out of character for Angel.
** Unless something happened in the time between the end of the IDW Angel comics and the beginning of BS8...which I am actually holding out hope is the case. If Angel & Faith reveals that Connor has died, I am almost positive I will be able to accept the Twilight arc.
*** All of whom will always be more canonical to me than Dawn and Xander's relationship.
**** Which, btw, I ADORE; it may very well be my favourite stretch of BS8. "Wolves at the Gate" is the only thing that really challenges that statement.
Also, this:
I will resist the urge to make hyperbolic comparisons to US political parties. I WILL resist the urge to make hyperbolic comparisons to US political parties.
ETA: Oh dear, just reread this and found a couple of typos...including the key word in the bit about misreading things. It's not like this was my only accomplishment today. ::siiiiiigh::