Also, Gunn is awesome and gorgeous and I love him to bits

Feb 02, 2012 22:04

I haven't thought much at all about AS4 in years because what stood out to me most on first viewing was how annoying I found Connor's admittedly well-earned teenage whininess and how much I don't like the way they used Cordelia - and there really is no more appropriate word here than "used" - but there is some absolutely brilliant stuff with the inverted messianic story and the condemnation of cult-like religiosity.  Plus, Lilah dies and Andy Hallett finally, finally gets his promotion.  What is there but happytimes for Ms Pudifoot there?  Well, okay, it makes me sad when Wesley is upset, but that's why I hate Lilah so much to begin with. And, BONUS!, Fred gets to save the day with her brain (and her laudering)! Yay, Fred!  I love that main bit of score, too, the theme with the spoilery title that gets played throughout the season.  It's so deliciously creepy.

SO!  Consider this my great reclamation of AS4.  And that's a lovely thing to have happen so soon after I realized that "Lies My Parents Told Me" isn't *quite* as earth-shatteringly glorious when you already know all of the secrets it keeps.  (The first viewing of that episode, though...  My goodness.)  (And do not at all let this observation take away from the fact that I was squeezing the stuffing out of the Spiger the whole episode.)

ETA: UUUUUUUGH, I just popped open a thing of yogurt only to realize I've gotten up to Caleb's first episode.  Pretty sure I'll hurl if I eat it.  I hate you, Caleb.  I hate you so much.

Also, I decided this evening that I'm going to make Mark a Sculpey!Joyce (ssh! don't tell!) - assuming I'm ever disease-free enough to do so - and a quick search for reference pictures brought to my attention.  I offer this discovery without comment, aside from speculation that at least three-quarters of the site hits are from other people looking for the Kristine Sutherland character and wondering what the heck they have stumbled upon instead.

EOATA: "Silly, silly Amanda.  Why would Faith kill someone who studies Vulcans?"  OMFG, FAVOURITE LINE EVER.

EWFAOTPTA: Xander talks about eyes all over the damn place in BS7.  They are telegraphing from a billion and one miles away, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH.
Edited While Flailing All Over The Place To Add

EMMLTA: So, I had definitely forgotten all about the singing in "The Magic Bullet."  I am laughing SO HARD right now...  LOLOL I am such an ugly, spastic laugher.
(How much do you suppose Manilow (and the people who actually wrote the song...) got in royalties off of this show?
Edited Much, Much Later To Add

EOLTTA: I just keep hearing Zach Whedon in my head: "It's COMPELLING."

ESFTLTISTA: Parks & Rec happened tonight, too.  Martin Starr!  And Giddy!Ron!  And Leslie and Ben I could just diiiiie.  "Well, this is the woman I have chosen to love..." <33333
Edited - Seriously, For The Last Time, I Swear - To Add

whats gonna happen to these kids?!, why do i not yet have a gunn tag?, the rogue demon hunter, the leslie knope appreciation society, i cant just have a normal post can i?, green lorne, fredikins, more tags than you can stick a shake at, angel, why can i not sleep?, joss whedon has stolen my time, btvs

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