Jan 30, 2012 01:56
1) The first 17 seconds of "Habeas Corpses" are brilliant. I find myself irritated with Angel more often than not through the middle seasons of the show, but I agree with him so much here. URG.
2) Lorne is rocking that outfit. I mean, he always looks pretty snazzy, but that plum dress shirt made me sit up and take note in a way I don't usually with Lorne-baby*. Also, the way he looks at his drink when the rest of the team shows back up will never not be funny.
3) OMG, Vi and Spike in "Potential." And Willow with her "butterfly transformer pods." These are such great characters...
4) SMG has been putting me in mind of Lauren Lopez a lot here in the middle of BS7. I don't know if she's doing something slightly different, or if it's something I'll see throughout the series now that I've noticed it.
5) The scene at the end of "Potential" still gives me the happy fuzzies, even with the creepy grossness of what I know from the comics.
* I've definitely got a thing for contrast. See also how drooly I get any time Spike or Winger wears a black, forearm-bearing shirt, and how I suddenly and inexplicably went, "Ooh, Principal Wood..." when he showed up in "Never Leave Me" wearing a white dress shirt.
joss whedon has stolen my time,
green lorne,
five thoughts