(This would have been posted last night, if eljay here had let me…)
Because I am behind on all of my other shows and am also a complete moron, I forgot Thursday night that I could actually watch P&R. Now that I've corrected my mistake, I find that, as usual, I am utterly incapable of containing my love for Leslie and Anne. They are perfection, and they make me SO GLAD I have awesome, amazing, supportive friends in my life, too.
And Ben. BEN. How can I possibly be expected to not be madly in love with a character who decides to pass up a hideously boring job in order to explore his hobbies? And when those hobbies turn out to be reading, cooking, and making claymation movies...? How can I resist that? This show is intentionally teasing me, I swear. THERE CAN BE NO OTHER EXPLANATION. He is basically living my life right alongside me.
In other Ben-related news, his living situation amuses me SO MUCH. And I guess they don't have Fazoli's in Indiana or Minnesota? Not that Fazoli's sells calzones, but they are an Italian fast food restaurant...
Now, I'm gonna go try not to think about the fact that Ben doesn't actually exist, get some sleep, and then head out to my office tomorrow and get some damn writing done. I may not have gotten one of Chris' oh-so-delicious-looking shakes, but he still got the point across, damn him.
(I'll also be heading to the store to buy some green paint to get back to work on that art project. YOU CAN STILL HAVE HOBBIES, BENTO BOX! YOU MAKE YOUR MOVIE! I AM NOT ASHAMED TO SAY IT LOOKED AWESOME!)
PS: CHAMPION! OMG, I LOVE HIM! (Did they get the name from Joel McHale, I wonder?
He just loves the name so much, you know? And he was so gracious about letting Adam Scott plug P&R last month*...)
PPS: Because my notes amuse me, here are the ones I took during this episode:
"Anne, don't listen to your head or your heart, just look into my eyes and say 'yes'." ~Leslie (Honey, that’s adorable. And also really bloody creepy out of context. And pretty creepy in context, too. Remember what we learned earlier this year with Ben and letting people make decisions for themselves?)
"Leslie? I tried to make ramen in the coffee pot, and I broke everything." ~Andy (ANDY FOREVER. OMG I CAN’T. I CAN’T EVEN.)
"That...is a three-legged dog....I'm sorry, I have to ask this, but, how many legs did that dog have when you found him?" ~Ben (Excuse me while I pause this to literally dance around laughing for a moment.)
Oh, BENJAMIN! Making calzones!
Fazoli's, Ben. Look it up.
"Your hair does not have that normal uptight, rigid, inflexible Ben Wyatt sense of fun." ~Chris (Good lord, Chris and Leslie are kind of like the same person as far as how they deal with their besties OH WOW, IS THAT WHY BEN LIKES HER? EW!? BUT ALSO KIND OF AW!?)
PPPS: One of these days, I’ll type up my notes from listening to The Dresden Files. I realize approximately zero people will read them, but it will still amuse me to do so, so there.
* Sarcasm works better when anyone else on earth knows what you're talking about...