1) Mr. Freeze's crappy puns are easier to listen to when they are being said in Clancy Brown's voice. Not much is difficult to listen to in Clancy Brown's voice.
2) GREG WEISMAN?! So, did he go, "Um, guys, you stole my character," or did he have a hand in designing Yin, thereby proving he is only capable of designing one strong human female character? That second option would make me cry a lot.
I've also been quite pleased to see Adam Beechen pop up as a writer a couple of times already, even though I still know him almost exclusively by reputation. (Actually, I've seen all of Batman Beyond now, haven't I? So I can read the comics whenever I'm ready. YAY!)
3) I quite like the design of Catwoman's costume, particularly since this is the socialite version of the character. And I couldn't help but be more than a little bit reminded of Irene Adler. By which I mean, Irene Adler from the original short story, as I have not encountered the character in any other capacity aside from the story I co-wrote for my Victorian Lit class.
4) Note to self: There will be no remote-activated kill bots in my secret lair.
5) Whatever else this show may or may not be, it's certainly very pretty and stylish. I started watching this one instead of The Brave and the Bold because I saw that they did a Batman vs. Dracula movie*, and I can't NOT bite at that juicy morsel of Ms Pudifoot bait**. The only two mashups that are more perfectly engineered for me than Batman vs. Dracula are "Buffy vs. Dracula" and
Terry-Pratchett-and-Neil-Gaiman-Write-a-Book-Together-and-It-Is-the-Greatest-Book-Ever-Written. I am by now entirely convinced from the writing and animation that The Batman vs. Dracula will be goofily fun with some suitably unsettling elements, and it will look absolutely smashing. I am still just totally impressed by the way Batman *moves* in the various animated incarnations, and the Morticia Addams-esque thing he does with his cape when he's standing still in this version is BEGGING for some Gothic horror.
Bonus thought) Okay, with the t-shirt and the sweatpants and the bare feet, it is simply impossible for me to not see Enver Gjokaj. I would insist that they had clearly done this on purpose if not for the fact that Dollhouse didn't start until after this show had already been canceled.
* Well, that and the fact that, while TBatB is still being sold in four- or five-episode chunks, Amazon had the first two seasons of The Batman marked down to less than $8 a piece.
** I paid extra and got the Batman and Dracula figures for my small-but-growing Kitchy Dracula Crap Collection. I REGRET NOTHING.