I've decided that the quote for 208 should have been, "Well, everyone else has had a go." Or perhaps, "They always get jealous when they meet Jack." Or, "Even I have my limits."
(Is anyone else starting to see a trend develop with those quotes? Heh...)
Bloody brilliant, this episode. Bloody _brilliant_.
I didn't really have a favourite last series because, while all of them were good, there weren't really any standouts (well, okay, an argument could be made for a couple of them, but I never came away from an episode calling it "bloody brilliant"). This year, I'm again finding it impossible to choose a favourite, but it's now because everything has been so dadgum wonderful.
This episode was a bit dirtier than most this series*, but I never once felt like I should feel guilty for enjoying it as much as I did. It was a fun episode, and it had far, _far_ less angst than I would have expected from Gwen and Rhys' wedding. That ridiculousness with Jack and Gwen that they recapped from "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang" and expanded upon was unnecessary, and I thought I was going to have to throw things while Rhys was off learning how to save Gwen and she and Jack were in the bridal suite being inappropriate. And, dammit all, Jack is in a relationship now, too, and he needs to STOP THAT. But then it turned out that it wasn't Jack at all, so I didn't have to throw anything. Of course, I'm rather saddened that it wasn't actually Jack who said, "If life always turned out the way we expected, what would be the point of living?", because that is such a wonderful line that is so well suited to him. But I certainly wouldn't trade that for him seducing Gwen while she was in her freaking wedding dress.
Tosh was wonderful, and I am so glad they didn't do the usual thing of making her bond with Banana while they were tied up. Thank you so much, Torchwood, for being one of the only narratives in the history of the world to respect your characters that much. "Sorry, I'm intolerant to vasoactive amines," is now my favourite brush off, and I rather wish I had had it at my disposal a few times back in high school when I needed it.
I love the fact that Rhys doesn't have any problem at all telling Jack where to go when he needs to, and I love the fact that Jack actually respects him.
Poor, poor Ianto... The jokes would have been bad enough if he had only had to go dress shopping, but then he got the (wonderful) Wedding Faerie comment, too, and even I immediately started thinking up macros of a not-especially-flattering nature.
And are they enjoying those last-scene revelations about Jack, or what? They're doing a good job of spacing them out, though, so that's nice.
* I could have done without all of the penis jokes, but Rhys' "fuck" was the best f-bomb since Bridget Jones' Diary, so all is forgiven.
Here's a little something for the old-school fans:
[Wee! Spoiler space!]
One night last week, I dreamt that I went to see my high school band director at a concert. Also in attendance were four of the Doctor actors - Pertwee was wearing the plaid overcoat, but otherwise they were clearly supposed to be the actors rather than the characters. I got the vague impression that Tom Baker and Sylvester McCoy were the two that remained sitting down through the whole dream, but I knew instantly that Pertwee and Troughton were the other two. Both gave me big, grandfatherly hugs, and I told them each in turn exactly how much their Doctors mean to me. Baker and McCoy were oblivious, and I was fairly oblivious to them.
I don't want to question it too much because it was such a lovely dream and it put me in a fairly good mood for the whole day, but I do find it a bit odd who the main characters here were. It would be pretty straightforward if it had been Troughton and Tennant, or Troughton and Eccleston, or even Troughton and McGann. And I understand why I didn't have anything to say to McCoy yet, but I have just recently decided that, yes, Baker T is the Doctor, and I love him to bits. Why didn't I have anything to say to him? And is there any significance at all to the fact that Troughton and Pertwee have both died?
Last and certainly least, I've finally remembered to put up the answers to both the
music and
quotes memes.