When my boss started by saying, "I was watching tv last night, and there was a girl on the show who reminded me of you," I decided to let her continue to the inevitable conclusion.
"What's that show? How I Met...Your...Mother? Something like that. There's a girl with kinda long, dark-ish hair..."
I was glad at this point that I knew which of the two - three, counting Wendy the Waitress. And you should _always_ count Wendy the Waitress - girls with kinda long, dark-ish hair she was almost certainly referring to, but a co-worker came to her aid: "Yeah, the girl from American Pie."
"She was...? OH, she _was_ in that, wasn't she?"
I hunched up a bit more in my high school band jacket and pointedly did NOT remind them that I played flute.
"She had darker hair in this show. She looks a lot more like you that way."
Lately, removed a fair amount from early Willow and early Lily, seeing Hannigan finally actually start to look like she's older than about 25, following the semi-failed hair dying experience, and working rather hard* to drop the 20+ lbs I have put on since starting work last year, I had been starting to think that the idea that I look anything like Alyson Hannigan was just kind of pathetic wishful thinking and vanity. It was sort of nice to hear that someone with no vested interest and only a passing familiarity with one of her less me-ish characters saw it, too.
You know what's weird? Listening to anti-war protest songs while at work when you are a military contractor. The dichotomy is going to either keep me balanced or end in a messy break of sanity. I haven't decided yet.
Another weird thing was finding
Christian Kane (Lindsey!)'s brand sparkly new album on the shelf at WalMart without even knowing it existed. It's pretty much rocking my world right now, along with
Wake Up! the slightly less brand sparkly new John Legend/Roots collaboration that I was referring to in the previous paragraph. Both are very much recommended.
* All the baking aside... The holiday season needs to END so I don't have so many baked goods around ALL THE DAMN TIME.